
  • WVWC学生笔记本电脑的最低要求是什么?

    For an up-to-date listing of minimum requirements and purchasing recommendations, 请参阅我们的网页 学生笔记本电脑购买指南. For most majors, a relatively new, Windows-based laptop will meet the minimum requirements. A few things to avoid are Chromebooks and systems that have less than 128GB of permanent storage, 比如HP Stream.

  • 在WVWC上推荐哪些戴尔机型?

    自2004年以来,WVWC一直与戴尔保持着供应商合作关系. 在这种合作关系下, WVWC作为保修服务提供商, 这意味着必要的维修, 包括保修和意外损害索赔, 能否在校内及时进行, 给我们的学生带来最小的不便. The WVWC recommended models from Dell are mid-to-high quality systems with special pricing for WVWC students. It is advisable to compare system specifications carefully when shopping for laptops.

    有关戴尔推荐型号的更多信息,请 点击这里.

  • 我可以在WVWC上使用MacBook吗?

    而我们的许多学生在校园里使用macbook, 有一些特殊的注意事项必须解决.

    • 有些课程要求使用基于windows的软件 it is the student’s responsibility to have the ability to install and run Windows-based software as stated within the minimum requirements regarding operating systems. 而Windows可以在旧的, 基于英特尔处理器的苹果笔记本电脑, 此时Windows与较新的不兼容, M1-chip MacBooks; t在这里fore, 这使得使用基于windows的计算机成为必要.
    • 在英特尔MacBook上安装Windows操作系统, the student will need to provide a licensed copy of Windows 10 (or Windows 11 if supported) for installation. 如果需要帮助, the 帮助台 provides installation and configuration services for a nominal fee.
    • 除非通过第三方,意外损害保险是不可用的.
    • 离苹果店最近的地方是宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡.
  • 我可以使用ChromeBook作为WVWC的学生吗?

    ChromeBooks do not meet the requirements at WVWC and t在这里 are no compatible solutions. 而ChromeBook可以作为辅助设备使用, a Windows-based laptop will be needed to utilize software and services provided on campus.

  • 作为WVWC的学生,我可以使用平板电脑(IPad、Android或Windows RT)吗?

    就像chrome笔记本, the iOS or Android operating systems do not provide compatibility for utilization of the software at WVWC.  While they are welcomed as a secondary device, they do not meet the requirements of a primary laptop.


  • 如何更改WVWC网络密码?

    你可以点击“重置WVWC网络密码链接到这里. 如果您需要其他帮助,请与我们联系.

  • 我忘记了校园密码,可能被锁在门外了. 我怎样才能访问我的帐户?

    第一个, 如果你在校园里不能连接Wi-Fi, 你可以用别人的电脑, 你的手机有蜂窝网络连接, 或者图书馆的公共系统.

    有一个链接 "无法登录"?” 进入重置密码页面. 点击此链接,然后提供您的WVWC电子邮件地址, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含用于重置密码的临时URL.  如果您仍有问题,请联系帮助台.

  • 为什么我不能登录WebAdvisor或同事自助服务门户, 而Wi-Fi和黑板上等其他地方则可以?

    Access to WebAdvisor and 自助服务 are available for actively enrolled students, 教师, 和工作人员.  The access is not available for students who have withdrawn or more than 30 days post graduation.

    虽然有一些事情会导致这种情况, the most common is that you need to use all lower-case characters for your username when logging into these areas. 此外,只使用您的用户名,而不是您的完整电子邮件地址. 如果您仍有问题,请联系帮助台.

  • How do I update stored credentials on my computer (such as for the print server) following a password change?

    我们创造了 一步一步的指示 for this process that are available in PDF format and include information for Windows 10 and MacOS.


  • 如何安装在WVWC上使用的Respondus锁定浏览器?

    若要安装Respondus锁定浏览器,请转到 http://respondus.yaojinrong.com 然后单击Install Now按钮.

  • WVWC提供什么软件?

    All enrolled students are eligible to receive and install a subscription to Microsoft Office 356, which will install a local copy of the latest version of Microsoft Office Pro Plus.  你应该收到一封电子邮件, 包括安装说明, 在您的WVWC帐户创建后不久.  如果需要,请联系帮助台寻求帮助.

    除了, WVWC为在线考试提供了Respondus锁定浏览器, IBM SPSS Statistics用于统计分析, 以及其他特定学科的头衔.

    也, your Google account with WVWC is a full Google Workspace account and provides all of the Google applications that you may be familiar with, as well as virtually unlimited cloud storage space for your use as an active WVWC student.

  • 除了WVWC提供的软件之外,还有其他推荐的软件吗?

    我们推荐使用几个程序和实用程序. 一个简短的清单包括:

    • adobeacrobatreader DC -一个高质量的PDF阅读器,提供先进的功能,如“填充 & 标志.”
    • VLC媒体播放器 – A media player for video and audio that includes a very wide selection of codecs for compatibility
    • 谷歌Chrome – The web browser that provides the best in compatibility with the systems used at WVWC.
    • 谷歌桌面硬盘 -结合您的基于谷歌的WVWC帐户, 为您的文档的云备份提供了一个平滑和轻松的解决方案.
    • Avast 1 Free or AVG免费防病毒软件 软件-质量安全保护,并免费供学生使用!
    • 伪自由 —高质量的恶意软件清除工具.

    The 帮助台 staff will be glad to assist you with the installation of any of these titles.

已知的问题 & 表演

  • 当我尝试加入谷歌视频会议时, 我收到一个错误,“你的麦克风被你的系统设置静音。.(Windows 10)

    To fix this problem, you must have Google Meet open, at least to the landing page of a meeting.

    1. Open your Windows 10 Settings to Settings >> System >> Sound.
    2. At the bottom of the screen under Advanced sound options, click “App volume and device preferences.”
    3. 在屏幕底部,点击“重置”按钮.
  • 为什么我的系统在WVWC的校园网上运行缓慢? 为什么我的硬盘使用率达到或接近100%?

    虽然有很多事情会导致你的笔记本电脑性能下降, 我们在校园里经常看到一个常见的问题.  The Windows Update feature in Windows 10 and 11 contains a feature called “Delivery Optimization” that is intended to minimize the bandwidth required in a home setting for multiple computers. It does this by sharing downloaded updates with other computers in your home or small office. 默认情况下,该选项是打开的.

    In an environment like the WVWC campus network that contains a couple thousand devices, 此设置可能会导致系统性能受到严重影响, 因为它试图将您下载的更新共享给其他人.  关闭此功能:

    1. 右键单击Windows图标,从弹出菜单中选择“设置”.
    2. 选择“更新和安全”组.
    3. 在左侧菜单中点击“配送优化”.
    4. 将“允许从其他电脑下载”的开关移至“关闭”。
    5. 注意:如果这个选项是开启的, 但是拨动开关是灰色的, 请将您的系统带到服务台寻求帮助.


  • 备份数据的最好方法是什么?

    当你是WVWC的一名活跃学生时, your WVWC Google account has virtually unlimited cloud storage space in Google Drive, 我们推荐的一个应用是 谷歌桌面硬盘.

    谷歌桌面硬盘将自动云备份集成到Google Drive中. 我们可以帮助您安装和配置应用程序, 或者在我们的IT手册中找到一步一步的说明.

  • 如何传输或下载谷歌驱动器数据

    Are you needing to download or transfer the data from your WVWC / Google Drive account?  此PDF文件 提供分步指导, 如果你需要进一步的帮助, 请不要犹豫与我们联系.


  • 作为WVWC的学生,我应该连接什么无线网络?

    唯一的无线网络,你的笔记本电脑, 手机, 或平板电脑应该连接的是“学生安全”.  When you connect to Student-Secure, you will be prompted for your WVWC credentials.  用户应输入他们的WVWC用户名和密码.  系统可能会提示您信任该网络或连接该网络. 如果是,选择信任或连接.

  • 如何将其他设备连接到网络, 比如智能电视, 游戏机, FireStick或Amazon Echo?

    这些设备需要在连接之前在帮助台注册.  要注册设备,您将需要设备的MAC地址. 您可以在设备的网络或设备设置中找到此设置. We advise that if possible to take a picture of the screen that contains the MAC address for future reference.  一旦你有了你的MAC地址信息,你可以使用我们的 网上申请表格 注册您的设备.  一旦您的请求被处理,您的设备注册, 您将收到一封带有连接说明的电子邮件.

  • WVWC的客人如何连接Wi-Fi?

    We provide guest Wi-Fi connections for guests that request Internet access while visiting the campus.  Your host may provide you with the network and password combination that is currently in use. You may also contact the Computing Services 帮助台 to obtain this information.

  • 如何将网络打印机连接到校园网?

    我们不向WVWC网络添加个人打印机.  Most of these printers lack the ability to connect to the enterprise level encryption that we use, and virtually none of them offers security to prevent other network users from printing to your printer.  If you want to use a personal printer on campus, you will have to connect it via USB cable.

  • 我可以在网络上增加一个无线接入点吗?

    Wesleyan prohibits the use of any personal wireless access points or routers on our network.


  • WVWC是否为学生提供打印资源?

    是的,WVWC为我们的学生提供有限的打印资源. Please refer to the current WVWC IT手册 for installation and usage instructions.

  • 我可以在校园里使用个人打印机吗?

    是的, 你可以在校园里使用个人打印机, 但它们必须配置为使用USB电缆连接. Personal printers are not configurable to the WVWC network environment, via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

  • How can 教师 or staff print confidential documents privately to departmental MFP printers?

    在打印对话框窗口中, you can change the job from “Normal Print” to “Private Print” in the printing preferences. You will then be prompted to provide a numeric password to release the job while you are at the printer. 东芝提供了一个简短的视频来演示这种用法,你可以查看一下 在这里.





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  • WVWC IT手册

    计算服务帮助台发布 WVWC IT手册 each Fall as a reference guide for connecting and configuring student laptops and devices.